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Doing More of What Makes You Happy!

Writer: Jill FlowersJill Flowers

As I was reflecting on this year and wondering if it was a successful year for me I couldn’t help but acknowledge that something was bugging me. I knew I had a good year overall and even with a few goals for the year not incomplete I still made measurable progress towards them. I still couldn’t quite put my finger on what was missing.

I made a video about it! click the video below to watch

After some processing, my answer was about my happiness and doing more of what makes me happy. I actually had to make a list but to be honest the first things that came to my mind weren't about me.

What makes me happy?

Not my kids happiness, not my husband's happiness but me!

Me! Me! Me!

I was stuck in Superwoman mode. What would The Queen do?

So I grabbed the nearest piece of paper which happened to be my daughters drawing (oh hush!) and immediately started a list of everything I could think of that makes me happy.

As I looked over my list I was comforted by how doable it is for me to do more of what makes me happy. I decided to sign it and affirm that I would indeed do more of what's on my list. I also know I'm not alone. If you've been working extra hard this year or feeling overwhelmed with life, I want to invite you to create your happy list.

Here's a few tips:

Make your list quick and fast. Why? Because honestly the quicker you can name it the more in touch you are with what makes you happy. Pausing or being stuck from the start is a sign you need to get in touch with your happy first before you can do more of it.

For some of you I need to say this, please don't write "making other people happy" this could actually be what's blocking you. This topic is for another blog at another time, the title will start with Superwoman blah blah blah!

Lastly, sit with your list, look it over, be with it so you can clearly begin to see what's possible for you.

Consider, do you need to let some things go in order to have more happiness time?

Do you need to create a happiness budget?

What can you do on your list that doesn't require money or the involvement of other people? The less you are dependent on things other than you, the easy it will be to engage your happy.


Schedule it!

and then go and do more of what makes you happy!

Here's to your HiGh ViBe LiFe and of course your Happiness!

May you do more of what makes you happy!

with Love Jill

Before I forget! Please mark your calendars!

Next Black Women's Virtual Circle: Jan 12, 2019 11am - 12:30 pm

Next Black Women's Live & In Person Circle: Jan 26, 2019 1pm -3pm

Details to follow!

PS - Need support? Start your year off with a 45min Connection Session with me! Get clarity, feel better and get a new perspective from our time together. It's free! Schedule your session here:

PSS: Have you had a positive experience with me?

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